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What to do about low water pressure in your home


Low water pressure in your home can be extremely inconvenient. To lack the ability to take a nice shower because the dishwasher is running would be enough to anger any homeowner. Unfortunately, it could take a while to get this problem taken care of, as there could be many reasons why your home is experiencing this low pressure.

Finding the source of low water pressure in your home could take only a few minutes or it could end up being a massive project that takes days to figure out. It all depends on the severity and location of the problem. In addition, it depends on whether the low pressure is localized in one room or fixture or whether you are experiencing it throughout your entire home.

The San Francisco Chronicle explained that if low pressure is only occurring in a single fixture, the problem is almost definitely located within that fixture itself. Most likely, this issue is the result of either a buildup of mineral deposits causing a blockage or the misadjustment of the temperature limiter. Both of these are easy fixes. If you unscrew the aerator and notice white deposits, clean them out with water or white vinegar. If your temperature limiter is adjusted incorrectly, you can fix it by hand. Another possibility is that the fixture has a leak. If you are having trouble locating the source of the leak on your own, consider calling a professional leak finder for help.

What if the water pressure is low in more than one room?
If low water pressure is an issue in multiple locations of your home, the problem could lie in many places. The first step is to walk outside and check the shutoff valves on either side of your water meter. If either of them are not all the way turned on, turning them to the complete on position might just fix your problem.

According to Ask The Builder, a website run by national award-winning builder/remodeler Tim Carter, you should also check the main water shutoff valve that is inside your home to confirm it is in the complete open position. If you have confirmed all your valves are open and the pressure is still low, the problem may lie with the water line that transports water into your home. The line could be damaged or it could have a blockage. You might need to examine the line to figure this out, but Ask The Builder said to contact a plumber before taking any action. Certain codes in your area may prevent you from taking on this task yourself.

The Chronicle added that yet another possibility for a home’s low water pressure is a leak in one of your pipes. This issue should be easy to find because you will likely be able to see evidence of water damage. To prevent any further damage to your home, make sure to turn off your water the moment you suspect a leak in the pipes. If you do not want to take on the task of removing drywall to locate the source of the leak on your own, consider hiring a professional leak detection service to do that dirty work for you. said the only time you may not have much power over fixing the low water pressure in your home is if it is a neighborhood-wide problem. The only thing to do in that case is petition your supplier to do something about it.

For all of your leak needs, allow the professional leak finders of American Leak Detection to serve you. Call (866) 570-5325 to find a location near you.
